Originally Posted by stevo
When I think about it, his nominations do make some sense to me. Everyone complains about what a horrible job our officials are doing. So one would think there would be praise when a fresh face is nominated, someone without the "experience" everyone else has. But then again...
Perhaps in some aspects lack of experience can help, it depends on the job. Do you truly want a Secretary of State that has no idea about foreign affairs? Or the Secretary of Defense to be an ex executive of a company the military has contracts with and gets no bid contracts from? Or a SCJ that makes rulings solely because the political party that put him/her there wants a decision a certain way? Or the head of first responders to take 4 days to respond to a horrid cat 5 hurricane? Or an Attorney General that is your brother and goes after the mob but ignores other important and pressing problems? Or a U.N. ambassador that has had issues with temper and is hard to get along with?
Now WH Chief of Staff and ordering around the staff in the White House or setting speeches up that's different.
You want to make your best friend your press secretary but he isn't qualified? Who cares...... cool, do it.
You want to make a lawyer that has dirt on you SCJ or an Arabian Horse judge director of FEMA? There's credibility issues there, that should send red flags up to all regardless of party as to how you choose people to head important offices.