Blast, he beat me to it. I was going to say the same thing as Lasereth. The 3500+ is probably extraneous for your purposes (gaming, I assume), and the graphics card could use a little help. The 6600GT isn't a bad card, but the 6800 is much better. Your money would definitely be better spent on upgrading that instead.
And do you have a case? And a hard drive that you'll be using?
And in regards to SLI... buying a second card and putting it in SLI is a lot less cost effective than buying a better card. If you really want top drawer graphics performance, save for a bit and get a 7800 GTX. Don't even both with two 6800s in SLI - it will cost more and still not be as fast. Most applications don't even support cards in SLI mode yet, anyway, and trying to make it work is really not worth your time, effort, or money. Of course, that's merely my opinion.