Originally Posted by Ustwo
Tried it once, didn't work out so well, so you might want to plan those retirement investments after all.
Without getting into a conversation that belongs somewhere else... there was never been an existing capitalist state.
China, Vietnam, Korea, Germany, Cuba, Russia, Yugoslavia, Cambodia, etc etc are not and have never been communist states.
Because someone calls themselves a communist does not make themselves a communist. If I call myself American it does not mean I am American. if I call myself American and go about committing crimes, should America be blamed for my conduct?
All history has been a history of the master class and the working class in antagonism. I predict that for the American people, and all other people, a great change in history will occur in the next 30 years - which is to say the abolition of the master class. This is both an historical and economic necessity, as well as the destiny and end point of human evolution.
Today we can see already the motors and forces that make the revolution inevitable. Capitalism is a system of government capable of creating huge resources, and yet pitifully weak, so helpless and feeble that it cannot prevent huge environmental damage being done by even the strongest nations, that it cannot even feed the population of the world. Why should we rationally chose a system that is allowing right now for people in Korea or Sudan to be litreally starving on mass? War also drives us towards communism. All wars are caused by the master class competing for resources, market, and capital... war will only be abolished in a socialist world. How many more times can we fight? How many more times can we stand against each other in a world of atomic weaponary, and survive.
Communism is a necessity because only communism can create peace.
I am sorry if this is too political for this forum, but these are the reasons I feel America does stand at a cross roads of history, a cross roads however that has only one direction, other than destruction of all. These are not idle predictions or simply theories. These things WILL happen.