Originally Posted by pan6467
Now, Bush on the other hand, one has to wonder when we see who he appoints and how they have no or little experiences with the position. That to me makes me wonder why, and is far more dangerous to the country than an affair. I understand wanting to give friends positions but they should not be policy making and in positions that could hurt us, there are many qualified people out there and as president regardless of party you should seek the best person out for the job (Clinton did this and put his "friends" in positions that wouldn't hurt the nation if they fucked up) .... Brown in FEMA, Meier for SCJ, and so on.
When I think about it, his nominations do make some sense to me. Everyone complains about what a horrible job our officials are doing. So one would think there would be praise when a fresh face is nominated, someone without the "experience" everyone else has. But then again...