about 5 years ago, i was going to the bathroom in a public bathroom in a fast food joint. knew there was someone in hte stall next to me and could see his foot sticking in my stall in a weird way(not normal bathroom position). i knocked and he didn't say anything or move, so i looked over into stall and he was out cold so i crawled under. he had a fresh syringe sticking out of his arm and his works were still on the back of the toilet. so i told another person who was in there to call 911, then i proceedd to smack the hell out of him and get him up and make him walk around. never done heroin but know about it. knew i had to keep him from sleeping and taking the eternal nod. when EMT's came, they said he probably would have died if i didn't get him up and moving. on a sad note, saw the guy on the street about a month later stoned as ever, so i don't know, he might be dead now for all i know.