When I was about 15 my family was camping in the Sierra's near reno driving around a small canyon lake. My younger brother (13 or so) and myself were being pulled by my fathers boat. I was on a blow up shark and my brother was on a boogie board where you strap yourself in on your knee's. My rope was shorter than his so he was about 15ft behind me. When we whent back into camp we had to travel through a no wake zone so our boat speed was reduced. This apparently is a problem when trying to stay afloat on a boogie board.
My parents were laughing and drinking booze on the boat thinking nothing could happen while traveling at 5mph so they paid little attention to me and my brother. I turned back to look at my brother and he was gone, all I could see was the rope disapearing into the water with a trail of disturbed water behind it. I looked for a few moments then turned back to the boat and yelled at my parents. They took notice then I jettison myself from the shark and began swim down his rope. When I reached him I stuck my hand under the boogie board and ripped strap off of his knees and grabbed his shoulders to pull his head back above water. He immedietly started throwing up water. My parents whiped the boat around quickly and yanked him out of the water. They made comments on how I possibly saved his life, but if you ask them today I doubt they would even remember or acknowledge that it ever happen. The possiblity is there that he would have been fine without my help but I like to think I saved his life.