for vic's its all about the aspirin in them. an unhealthy amount for your liver is 4000mg (a one time thing seperated will be ok) but if you do it for days at a time is pretty damn bad. start taking more and your eyes could bleed do to it.
generally speaking, a light person (100~130lb) could take two 5/500's and get a decent buzz with zero opiate tolerance. your could take up to 8 safely giving you 40mg/4000mg. for a single day or maybe two. but really, once you get to that point why take 8 pills when you take just go up to the next strongest pill and have to take less.
as for snorting those, theres so much binder and aspirin, i would not recommend it at all. if you have enough vic's or such you can do an extraction with just plain ol water to get rid of the apap and keep the hydro.
For the coke question, short answer, yes you can do more than one line on a first time.
long answer, depends on the purity, i wouldnt recommend doing more than a single line or bump even of pure cocaine. but most stuff as low dealer level is cut to shit allowing you to take more.
ive only done coke once, only time i ever snorted anything ever, and did 4 lines.
also, if you want more technical answers to what you asked, go to
lots of druggy styled info