Originally Posted by host
Bush dengrates the reputation of the U.S. and the office of the POTUS, more every day that he occupies it. Meirs is an unqualified poitical hack, just like the hack who appointed her. Where is the substance of these two people? Why are some of my countrymen so willing to not only settle for so little substance in a POTUS and a SCOTUS justice, but actually defend it? This woman and our attorney general, and many others in high positions,"earned" those positions by vigorously working to cover up the truth of how inadequate Bush was and is, to be POTUS, when there was still a window of opputunity for knowledge of Bush's inadequacies to influence a greater majority to thwart his ascendancy.......
I wil not "get used to" a thug receiving appointment to the bench of the highest court in the land because she successfully hid the background of another thug, so that he could be electable to the office of the POTUS. How do you?
You should run for office host.
"If I am such a genius why am I drunk, lost in the desert, with a bullet in my ass?" -Otto Mannkusser