im like spindles.. i went to UTS which is down the rd from USyd. but i spent most of my time at Usyd, and where i met my mrs.
id also agree with spindles on comp science or comp engineering subjects, UNSW has a better reputation. as for arts, law, and science and those sort of subjects, id have to say USyd has a lot of credentials behind it.
if your looking at engineering only subjects, maybe give UTS a look, they are the basically in the middle of the city. i spent most of my time at the movies or in the cafetrias though, and i hated my time in a big ugly concrete building. sydney has the architecture and grass patches.whereas UTS has jackshit.
summer is good in sydney..and beaches arent too far away from usyd or unsw, although from unsw beaches are a stone throw away.
try the usyd and unsw websites. from memory usyds' website is and unsw is
good luck