Thread: Bearshare
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Old 10-03-2005, 07:33 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Location: in my computer
Originally Posted by simonrex22
I connected to the internet with the same router that my old computer still runs on.
When both computers are connected to the router, they will have different addresses. Heck, even if you grab the cable from your old machine, some routers will detect that and give you a new addy.
Originally Posted by simonrex22
I downloaded Bearshare and i cant get connected. Ive downloaded Bearshare on the old computer and it started up right away, so the router settings should be fine, right?
Like others have said: check your port forwarding. Go to your new machine, click Start, Run, and in the box type CMD. At the command prompt, type this:


and take a look at the second line of the output, which is your IP address. Go to your router and add another port forward to your laptop IP.
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