Originally Posted by pigglet
How about a big-ass thread merge?
edit also thought i'd mention that some of the more hard core / serious / grown up sexuality topics are going to be repeaters too...i mean, what's scat? wipe shit on each other and start fuckin. i think these new threads are just people that haven't been here for a long time. i'm usually willing to give advice to people, but I would have to agree that most of the time it's the same ole shit...and I frequently can't help but think the many times they could have / should have been able to answer for themselves beforehand.
I think you're just irritated with the maturity level, which I suppose I can understand.
Or maybe just archive(or better yet, kill) those advice-seeking, 'can't tell this girl I like her' threads after 60 days..because, let's face it, if you haven't figured things out by then, you ain't gonna.
There's a vast amount of under 20's here and I understand they are somewhat green about relationship workings, but I agree-read a bit, search a bit before starting anew and think about stuff first before you go running to a forum with a long drawn-out scenario about how 'there's this girl, see...and well...' (I found 6 almost identical, but chose not to link any, for obvious reasons)