Slaughterhouse 5 - funny in parts, but I don't see what all the hub-bub was about.
The Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde - Hard to explain exactly what this series is about... Book policing agencies in a world slightly 'sideways' to our own. Books that aren't just books, but little worlds of their own with their own police squad, Jurisfiction. It sounds remarkably goofy, but Fforde does very well in handling all the ridiculousness. If you have a healthy history with books and a passing familiarity with Monty Python, you might get...2/3 of the jokes and references. Not to mention all the real facts, figures and such that he throws in there just to keep you on your toes. This guy is remarkably clever.
Stranger in a Strange Land - Just started it. Never read it. Thought I should.
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