Originally Posted by Ustwo
I don't understand why people get so worked up by the RIAA. If you weren't stealing music you wouldn't give a shit. If you don't like the price of something, you don't steal it, you just don't buy it. Music is not a staple of life.
I dislike the time-unlimited unlimited monopolies over ideas. The ownership of thought and culture is an evil. Only when restricted to a tiny force can this evil be balanced by the good of encouraging creativity.
As for your claim, to the limits of my recollection, I have never installed or used any peer-to-peer "music sharing" applications. Well, BitTorrent, but I haven't downloaded music using it (Bittorrent was useful to get RvB episodes).
I disagree with copyright lasting an unlimited period of time. The current US government has decided to make a mockery of the "limited times" clause of the constitutional basis of copyright by retroactively extending it by 20 years every 20 years (like clockwork!) at the behest of Disney and other media monopolists.
A limited time, use-neutral monopoly on the right of redistribution of created content is reasonable. The current copyright model, and professed by the RIAA, is an unlimited time unlimited monopoly power over all uses.
And that is why I dislike the RIAA. I'm happy you believe you know why I dislike the RIAA. You happen to be wrong.
If you weren't stealing music you wouldn't give a shit.
If I am not stealing music and I do give a shit, then you are wrong.