the only concern I have about this law is does it do a better job then "feels threatened" to say you can defend yourself? There are a lot of ways to feel threatened. For instance if a guy walked in on a man sleeping with his wife, he could "feel threatoned that this guy was steeling his wife". If a buisness was running another buisness to the ground one of the owners could "feel threatoned". I really hope that wasn't the wording in the law.
Actually in almost EVERY state if you look up the self defense laws, the "threat" of violence is all that is needed to be felt. Self defense in every state that I know of (Texas, California, Minn.) does not require to be struck or even attacked first. All this law does is protect the defender from procecution by clearing up the hickups that could lead to jailtime. For example..
A few years ago there was a man who walked into his mothers house (she was in her 60s I believe), when he saw a man raping her. He ran out to his car, got a gun and shot him. He was sent to jail for this, as he had time to go get his gun according to the procecuter it could not be self defense because he could have ran to call the cops.
Say what you want about this case, it falls through the cracks of the laws. Just teaches the rest of us to say we were carrying in the gun at the time instead of running to our car a whopping 5ft away.