Originally Posted by Ustwo
Just a side note, so far no one can say if any books were banned. A challange does not equal a ban.
It does, however, indicate the desire to ban, the attitude that this is something that "they" don't want other people to read. This event helps to raise awareness that such attempts are still taking place, and that awareness may contribute to resistance to such attempts when they do occur.
Also, having corporate co-sponsors doesn't mean that they are the driving force behind the event, nor does it mean that drawing attention to attempts to remove books isn't a worthy cause.
Originally Posted by 2quillmadness
I don't know what they hope to accomplish by this in the long run, it seems pretty perfunctory and useless to me. Honestly... today's controversy is tomorrow's curiosity.
This is exactly why this event is beneficial. It keeps the idea that there are would be censors out there who would like to decide for you what you and your children should be allowed to read fresh in people's minds.