Originally Posted by flstf
It would be a big mistake for local communities to depend on the feds for fast response in a disaster. The first responders will almost always be local and that is probably when most lives will be saved. Most disasters are not predictable like the hurricanes. Police, Fire, and other rescue workers must stay on the job at least until the feds show up.
If I took the oath to serve and protect then I would stay on the job and still try to take care of my family. Hopefully people in these positions would have more information and access to resources than the average citizen and know how to use it to get both jobs done. Local communities must be able to depend on them in an emergency.
I would expect average citizens to go into the "every man for himself" mode but not our public safety and rescue workers. I would also expect them to take care of their families at the same time without abandoning the ship. They should have the knowledge and resources to do both. I don't think your "Sophie's Choice" type question is always applicable.
If I did abandon my post then I would expect to be discharged after the smoke clears.
I understand the oath (having taken it when I joined the Navy) and what is expected of you.
However, and this is why I highlighted the sentence I did.
I did not intend this question to be a cover blanket for everything, just MAJOR disasters of a degree where in a matter of minutes, hours your whole city is turned to rubble. The WTC while horrid, did not put in danger the whole of NYC, although it may have felt like it and people may have been scared, it was quite obvious there was a target and once hit, it was over.
This is more for NO or an earthquake or blizzard, where things hit so hard so fast there is very little time for anything.
Yes, there were warnings and evacuation warnings, however, no one knew how devestating it was going to be, the gridlock (if you remember) was horrendous much like Houston where cars were stopped on the freeways and no one was getting anywhere. Places gouged gas prices making it unaffordable to many to even attempt to try to get out.
This is why, in all honesty to me the bus issue is moot, because even had they been loaded they weren't going to make it very far and in the open, the 120+ MPH would have blown them around like toys .
And no, you can't solely rely on FEMA, you have to have a team of first responders in your city's forces..... however, the average cop and firefighter I would venture to say is not trained to be those, to train each and every one would be an expense that most cities probably could not afford.
And that is whom I am asking you to be, the average cop/firefighter caught in mandatory duty not knowing if your family is truly safe. (I believe I explained it above also).
As for being relieved of duty for leaving your post..... well chances are as we see in NO there isn't much of a job to go back to for some time.