Not strongly religious. Christians can be so extremely hypocritical about so much more than just a holiday. We're religious when it comes to our personal relationship with our creator, beyond that we show very little of the religion outwardly.
As for Christmas - hubby and I celebrate it as a reason to get with family and give gifts. I enjoy the enthusiasm of my daughter over the decorations, lovely lights, and anticipation of gifts. She's 5 this year and just last year she began to show more enthusiasm about GIVING gifts. This is special to see her develop that aspect of it.
I really enjoy making as many of the gifts that we give as I can. One year after we got married we didn't have much money. I made nearly ALL the gifts that we gave and all the recipients seemed to appreciate the effort and the gifts. I feel like I'm giving more a part of myself when I make the effort to make a gift than if I were to just toss them storebought junk.
I grew up in a family who's mother guilt tripped anyone who bought a gift for her by saying that they were wasting money or that the best they could do was grab something off the shelf. Also there were many Christmases during which she declared that no one would give gifts to anyone. Finally my brother and I roped her into helping us at least send Bibles and books to Russia (during the cold war).
Christmas was a constant disappointment in my home. I am determined not to let it be that for my child and family.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.