My friend just got an '03 g35. After I'd wiped up the drool, I almost threw him in the backseat and jumped him. What a beautiful car! Bonus to him, that he pulled up, got out, and tossed me the keys. Yeah. So quiet inside! I got it up to 55 with zero issues (small, very dark neighborhood)... he got it to 80 in no time at all. Of course, in the last three days, I think he got it to 150 or so on the interstate. Okay, he went from an Elantra to an Infiniti and his 'busa blew up. He drives fast and I don't begrudge him anything. I used to be the DD and we'd have to turn off the air in te Elantra to punch it enough to make a left across traffic.
What a gorgeous, sexy beast of an automobile! I actually like the look of the '03 better than the '05.
Here's how life works: you either get to ask for an apology or you get to shoot people. Not both. House
Originally Posted by Plan9
Just realize that you're armed with smart but heavily outnumbered.
The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me. Ayn Rand