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Old 10-02-2005, 09:55 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Ustwo
I wouldn't call it a jest, satire does not need to be funny to be effective.

We had some people whos claim was that abortion lowers crime. Bennett wanted to point out the absurdity of the situation by stating a truth which was more horrible than the problem it was meant to fix. He carried the conclusion to the absurd in order to show it was absurd. He was absolutely correct in stating that aborting all black babies would lower crime rates after all. Was it a poor choice of words in todays climate? Yes, very, and the media enjoys such things as they can have a field day quoting out of context.

You miss the point entirely if you think Bennett just wanted to mock the problem with a ridiculous solution.
And just TELL me that if Senator Clinton said the same thing you wouldn't be foaming at the mouth to go after her for it.

And well you should, because even in jest such statements are not acceptible.

Plus, we're not looking at how he meant it. This is in line with A Modest Proposal in which it was stated, jokingly, that a good way to reduce the population explosion would be to eat children. It is certainly true that eating children would reduce the population because children by their very nature add to the population , but it's a horriffic plan that would never be enacted.

He made his proposal along the same lines - His statement implied that, even though it's a horriffic plan that would never be enacted, aborting black pregnancies would reduce crime because black people by their very nature are criminals. Whether that's what he meant or not, that's what his statement implied.

So let's dissect this. Either he WAS being racist and was TRYING to imply that black people are, because of their race, predisposed to commit crimes, OR he didn't mean that, and is so vacuously stupid that he doesn't understand the meaning of what he says.

Either way, his radio career and any political aspirations he may have should be ended.
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