well, I am sure it is my fault, I am not an articulte person.
I am somewhat educated (I got a first and a masters degree in sociology), but also not very lucid.
I work for a very small subsidory company of the German post office. My company is called "Fuelserv" and we basically sell a business to business credit card that can be used to buy fuel.
My job is in the department responsible for transactions. I am responsible for polling (which means we download card transactions from the tills (do you call them cahs registers?) of all our merchants every day), I am responsible for managing about 70,000 purchases ever week and dealing with every customer query on a purchase (ie peopel who say they didnt really have what we billed them for), and I am also responsible in charge of billing 70,000 purchases to all the customers. I also look after the company website, and all bespoke reporting for corporate clients.
We issue to our customers cards that have a microchip in, and also cards that have a magnetic stripe = they are basically credit cards which are used to buy fuel from gas stations, and I am resposnible for ensuring card acceptance with everyone who sells cash registers to gas stations, and all the banking companies who download credit card transactions, and also hotlisting (ie - stopping people who dont pay us or stolen cards from being able to make purchases)
I supervise a team of ten people, and look after the reception area and the "back office" area. I am somewhat of an expert in EPOS systems (IE ELECTRONIC CASH REGISTERS) and also VAT and Sales Tax, especially cross border European claims.
Im sure the job still sounds just as dull, but maybe now is clearer. Like I said, its a job, and I can do it. I find the technical side easy and the looking after ten people side hard, but... it's a job. I got promoted to a supervisor about a yera ago, before that I worked in the Fiancial Accounts department and I used to keep the cashbooks and rec the control accounts..
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas