Yea I'm with Mike. Another 512 RAM at least...and if you can I would consider going to 2GB. I don't know about anyone else but with 1 GB of good Corsair RAM I'm paging out to disk once a session in BF2. I looked at RAM useage and BF2 was taking up almost 800MB.
I also think you should take a look at Lasereth's videocard guide which is stickied in this forum. I think you can get a better card for less money, but I didn't run the CAD exchange.
Maybe also consider XP Pro instead of Home?
I still use a sep. sound card even though I have good onboard sound in my somewhat older ASUS mobo. I'd be willing to be you will be find with the onboard sound though, they have gotten quite good with that.
The mobo, chip, psu, case, HD are all awesome IMO.
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