maybe i wasn't exactly clear and that's totally my fault for typing at 5 am after working on a computer problem all day..
I think that the events happening now will probably not be the focus of what is written in history books in 100 yrs, but i think they will be considered the watershed events for what is to come for the next 100 yrs, kinda like how the 1840s were in relation to the civil war, not the focus, but definitely the point of no return. That's why i was saying that the world in 20 yrs will probably not be as anything we expect.
and i would agree that the US is an empire by any and all standards. Modern day empire, but an empire all the same. I don't agree that it's an empire in decline, but i do know it will someday. we will probably go into an isolationist phase that will pull back our influence, but until another unified threat comes up, we'll still be the dominant empire.