mac users, aaah! help please!!
Hey All,
I’ll skip the part of my idiocy and jump right to the chase.
This is my first Mac, and it’s a iBook G4. I didnt know how sensitive the Tiger was, but I renamed my ‘home’ folder just for the hell of it. It was Cameron and I renamed it Haupt. When I restarted my computer, I noticed that my old home, aKa my system preferences folders files and settings, was now just another ‘user’ and the Mac had created a file with the old name, Cameron, and kept it as its home. And it was set on the basic factory settings.
So all of my preferences were gone and my files in a folder that the computer wouldnt recognize as default...
I should have stopped here, changed all my shortcuts over again, but no. I stupidly decided to try and edit Haupt into my default home. This did not work, Tiger wouldnt budge. So i decided to try and get around it and I created a new username and assigned it’s headname to Haupt, my old computer. Unfortunately I didnt read where it said, ‘do you want to use the already existing folder’ and I pressed NO.
The idea didnt work and the new User didnt recognize my old files as deafault because I pressed NO where it asked me if i wanted to make that my default. So i tried to delete new login, and along with it went Haupt, my old computer. This seemed strange because I did not allow the computer to use the old folder.
So all of my information seems to be gone. Instead of have something like 28 GB used it now says 10GB. So I suppose my Haupt is gone???
My question: is there anyway to restore the computer (or retrieve old information) like you can in windows? I know that damned Haupt has to be somewhere, nothing is ever truly deleted. And it only took about 20 seconds for the computer to delete it, so I doubt it’s off the computer-
So does anyone know how to recover something like this? I would be oh so much appreciative.