Why does america insist on catergorizing all republicans into one boat. Do you realize that republicans say the same things about democrats and both of them can make legitimate claims of horrible administrations. It is not 100% the republicans who are creating this America. it is a cooperation between the two. Corruption is inevitable whether or not the country is run by democrats or republicans. If its not cruise lines or Oil then its cuban cigars and interns. Come on people. i doubt there is a single president or administration who did everything right all of the time and made everybody happy. It will never happen, But oh Well all we can do is vote. Its bad enough these people we elect make more than most all of us make and for what? They get more money for voting one way or the other and they get a ton of perks. Blame the politician not the party. Not every republican agrees with something simply because another republican came up with the idea or plan. Its about time this country pulled its head out of its ass and saw daylight. It has to start at the bottom of the barrel and folks that is us.