Originally Posted by Charlatan
This is a tad unfair. I think it would be better to just say, "It's just another example of the incompetence of our current system."
To place ALL the blame on Bush isn't accurate. There is plenty of blame to go around. I would also argue that the particular ideology of individualism (vs. collectivism) is partly to blame. We got a very good taste of it here in the thread where many essentially suggested these people shouldn't be helped because they either chose to live in that area or because they didn't heed the evacuation notice.
While there is something to be said for Ameican "pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps" attitudes, it just isn't always pracitcal in the face of institutionalized poverty.
I don't place ALL the blame at Bush's feet. Louisiana's governor, for one, is an idiot. However, as was mentioned above, the media got in 4 days quicker than FEMA. The director of FEMA, who was completely unqualified yet was appointed to his position by his friend George W. Bush, didn't even know what was happening down there. George Bush pulled such acts of brilliance as sending victims to a salvation army building that he had been told moments ago was completely wiped out. No matter how much you love Bush, there can be no doubt that the federal government was caught with its collective pants down. Let's also not forget that despite the fact that a giant natural disaster had hit his country, Bush did not immediately cancel his vacation to go take care of it. That's the sign of either a callous leader who doesn't care about his citizens, or a leader who's so out of touch he's incapable of processing bad information. Frankly I'm not sure which, if not both, it is.