09-29-2005, 06:57 PM
#33 (permalink)
Deja Moo
Location: Olympic Peninsula, WA
Originally Posted by pan6467
Politics have become corrupt and lost all sense of duty to the CITIZENS, instead they are pandering and selling their souls to PACs, Corporations, Religious groups and whatever....... it's time to make them accountable to the people again by electing the best person to office and not voting solely by party.
Because when you vote solely by party what you end up with is corruption.
Pan, I received this email today from someone that I have great respect. His challenge is that we need to walk the talk by committing ourselves to local politics and rebuild our parties of choice in a manner that reflects "OUR" interests in solutions, rather than chasing the money between elections. I completely understand your frustration, because I share it. But, this email was a major kick to my butt to begin acting to improve the status quo, rather than bitching that it isn't "right." Consider this a friendly kick to your butt, as well.
.........If you're seeking meaning and direction and not finding it, it's because you're not in the ranks making that meaning. Seriously -- I speak from experience.
Last year I became politically active for the first time in my life. I guess I always thought somebody else was taking care of this political business for me, would tell me what the platform was and how to vote. Much to my amazement, I discovered that there hasn't been much of an organization here locally, that it was complacent and riddled with entrenched entitlement. To my even greater amazement, it took me and a couple other folks like me only days, weeks, a handful of months to make a substantive change in this situation. We do have the power, and we are beginning to take our country back, block by block, neighborhood by neighborhood.
Don't wait for Mr. Kilgore. You can see he's asking for that which you've requested yourself, asking for us to unify under some message. Go -- be that thing you want to see. Make it happen. You have the power.
In my case, I am pressing for a revitalized party that remembers its roots. As Paul Wellstone said, "When we all do well, we ALL do well." I want to raise the tide for all of our boats with investment in our innovation, want to be a net exporter instead of a net importer of technology. I want to end our dependency on oil, which brings turmoil abroad and ultimately weakens our national security and our economy. I want our businesses to compete globally on level ground -- they should not be in healthcare, but in business, freed by a single-payer healthcare system. I want our children to be the preferred employees of global companies here, on our soil. I want my children and I to sleep well at night, knowing we are respected in the world and that our shores are well-guarded against threat from man and prepared against nature. <b>And I want honest, straight-talking people to work for me, represent me in government, a government of, by and for the people.</b>
Now that's what I'm working for, giving up 40 hours a month to this end because I want it that badly. What's it worth to you? How badly do you want it? Don't ask for it. Make it happen. The other amazing thing I learned: leaders show up -- they are the ones who attend the meetings, ask the stupid questions, follow through, deliver. How hard is that? I can do it. So can you. Go for it. When is that next local party meeting?........