09-29-2005, 01:42 PM
#4 (permalink)
Location: New England
Seems to be nursing home week... Laxative Prank Spells Trouble For Former Nursing Home Workers
Irvine, Kentucky (AHN) - A prank pulled last year by two former nursing home employees could possibly land them in jail.
Lisa Kilburn, 27, and Kim Congleton, 30, both former certified nursing assistants at Irvine Health and Rehabilitation Center, stand accused of administering laxatives to patients who did not need them, including older and medically-sensitive people, many of which suffered pain and rectal bleeding.
Attorney General Greg Stumbo says the intended targets of the prank were nursing assistants on the next shift, and calls the conduct an outrage to human decency and dignity.
The two women were fired and face criminal abuse charges that carry prison terms and fines. Arraignment has been set for Oct. 6.
I can't read your signature. Sorry.