Originally Posted by Kadath
Friggin Indians are choking too, and so am I...on my own rage here!
They'll be ok. 4 games left 4 wins to go. They'll get Tampa tonight and crush the Sux.
Even if they don't make it..... I see the Indians only being better next year. And IF Dolan puts up some cash like he said he would ..... we'll get Millwood resigned or Burnett. and a hitter.
Elarton will be back and so will Hafner, CoCo, Boone, Victor, Jhonny, Belliard, CC, Westbrook, Lee and most of the RP and we have some great up and comers in the minors .....
I have no doubt the Jake will be rockin next year..... but we have this year also and once they get to the playoffs, with their pitching and hitting...... WE WILL OWN BASEBALL.