Long story short- she's killing herself and her baby. My dad has been diabetic since he was 21. Around three years ago mom finally told him he had to go see a specialist (up until that point he'd be relying on his normal doctor to monitor his diabetes). It's made such a huge difference in my dad's life- he's lost a lot of weight, and is almost to the point where he's not medically definied as diabetic anymore (keep in mind he's had this disease for 40 years).
Your friend is killing herself very slowly- perhaps not even that slowly. Insulin regulation is one of the most important things that the body needs to attend to, as it is the main factor in the metabolization of food- you know, FUEL for the body. If the fuel system in your car is messed up, your car with either not run or run very very badly- same for the body. The fact that she's pregnant and doing this.. well, if you love her and value her life in any way you need to sit her down and tell her what she's doing to herself. It's the same kind of bodily abuse that she and her baby would be going through if she was on heroin or crack- her body isn't working right and that needs to be fixed NOW.
Shooting up with insulin when her blood sugar is high is like running a marathon at full speed and then collapsing right at the end with no cool-down. At best, she could have another five years before major bodily organs start to fail. At worst, she could miscarry or have a stillborn baby. I watched my aunt die slowly because she failed to monitor her diabeties- she had liver failure, kidney failure, had to pee through a catheter, was on a breathing machine with a stoma (hole in her throat), was 300lbs overweight, and the last week of her life was non-coherient.
It's a bad, bad way to die. Talk to your friend, get her to a doctor that specializes in treating diabetes. Why a specialist? Well, if she had heart problems you'd want her to go to a cardiologist, right? She goes to an OBGYN because she's pregnant, right? Well, normal doctors aren't very schooled on all the nuances of treating diabetes- part of the problems that my dad had over the years were because the doctor he was seeing was fiddiling with his insulin.
Sage knows our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's
She answers hard acrostics, has a pretty taste for paradox
She quotes in elegiacs all the crimes of Heliogabalus
In conics she can floor peculiarities parabolous -C'hi