Originally Posted by xepherys
Oh wait, the same Salvation Army that takes nation-wide donations? The same Salvation Army that has thrift stores throughout the country that are nearly pure profit? Wow, they must have it rough. Far less donations my ass! Do you know anyone in the Sal? They get PLENTY of income, don't worry about them!
Yes, I do I work with them every day, they run a chemical dependency recovery center in Akron and I deal with them. Also, one of our counselors and a very close friend was a house manager and his new wife is a Thrift Store manager.
I said "donations". Compared to Methodist, Baptist and other nationally affiliated churches they recieve far less in donations. As for their Thrift Stores, they do not make as much as people think, by the time overhead (the transportation to centers and some deliver, the washing, fixing and sterilizations that must take place) and payrolls are added.
To say they get "plenty" is an exageration, just as it is to say they are borderline bankrupt.
They really make far less in donations than most churches in their areas. So yes they are in just as deep if not deeper financially then some of those churches that will take money from the government.