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Old 09-28-2005, 06:48 AM   #114 (permalink)
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Location: In the middle of the desert.
Originally Posted by abaya
I always lack the right words to deliver that kind of message... so I admire your ability to verbally ream someone who deserved it.
Thanks for the nice compliments all, but the truth of the matter is that I've just reached a point in my life where I am no longer willing to abide rudeness in others, and I am willing to say something to the rude.

There was a guy in church sunday whose three children were acting like hooligans. I'd say these kids were in the 7 to 13 year old range. They were climbing all over the seats, the two boys were pulling the girls hair, etc.

I tapped the father on the shoulder and said "Sir, we are in God's house and we should behave in a reverent manner. People are here to praise and worship God, and your children's behaviour is disruptive. If you can't get them settled down, would you please take them outside?"

He couldn't get 'em outta there fast enough.

Sometimes I wonder if those of us who tolerate the behavior are contrubiting to the problem by NOT saying anything to the rude and inconsiderate. If I hadn't spoken up, those kids would have disrupted mass for everyone around them, probably for the entire service.
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Last edited by SirLance; 09-28-2005 at 06:52 AM..
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