Originally Posted by politicophile
Would you have a problem with this if the only organizations being given federal money were non-religious charities?
If you answered yes, why do you think the federal government should refrain from giving money to charities, especially when those charities are reducing a cost that would otherwise be absorbed by the government?
Look the GOP has argued for years we are wasting money on domestic programs and that churches and non profit organizations get donations for those purposes.
They also argue that programs giving money away, raises taxes and prevents (from lack of funds and whatever) people from donating more.
So in essence what we are doing here is giving away TAX money to entities that do not pay taxes at all in any form (even welfare recipients pay sales tax, property tax through rent, and so on), the second they are expected to do what the GOP has said they are supposed to do.
Now, my question is what is wrong with giving intyerest free loans and amnesty on their utilities? That makes far more sense, and keeps bureaucracy to a minimum.
And what of the private families that have taken the victims in? They are going to experience financial difficulties are they not? Do we expect the government to pay these people also?
I seriously have problems with this on many levels. The biggest being the hypocracy of the GOP who cut domestic programs, yet are willing to throw big bucks at churches for doing what the have preached for years churches and not government should be doing.
PS Tec.... you can quote me anytime, I feel it an honor.