You'll like this one, host.
Today, the editors at the NYT are "appending" one of their articles detailing how lucrative Katrina rebuilding contracts are going to Bush cronies.
This was the original article, which had this to say about Bush Crony, Joe Allbaugh:
Already, questions have been raised about the political connections of two major contractors - the Shaw Group and Kellogg, Brown & Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton - that have been represented by the lobbyist Joe M. Allbaugh, President Bush's former campaign manager and a former leader of FEMA.
Here is their backpedaling, updated "revision" of their above article:
A front-page article yesterday reported on the awarding of billions of dollars in federal contracts to help rebuild the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina. The article said many contracts had been awarded without bidding or with limited competition, and it cited two major contractors whose political connections have already raised questions among government officials about the potential for favoritism or abuse.
In naming these contractors - the Shaw Group and Kellogg, Brown & Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton - the article noted that they have been represented by the lobbyist Joe M. Allbaugh, President Bush's former campaign manager and a former leader of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
The article should have carried a response from Mr. Allbaugh, or restated a position he expressed in an earlier article in The Times: that he does not help any of his clients secure federal contracts, and has not done so in this case for Shaw or Kellogg.
So, Bravo to the NYT for calling out Allbaugh as a Bush crony. Job well done.
But wait! What is this?
The Head of the Shaw Group is who? Jim Bernard?
You mean, the same Jim Bernard who is, in fact, the
Chairman of the Louisiana Democratic Party?
Democratic Cronyism. Who knew?