Originally Posted by Locobot
Which takes us straight back to fantasyland where apparently it's inconceivable that a father could impregnate his daughter or have an extremely violent reaction to learning his daughter is pregnant. Or in the scenarios you introduce, that parents would look the other way to protect familial bonds as is often the case (e.g. Theo Van Gogh's Submission part 1).
nowhere did I say that father/daugher abuse/incest was inconceivable nor did I say that all fathers should have violent reactions to hearing the daughter is pregnant. Both of those are assumptions on your part, not a rationalization of facts.
Originally Posted by Locobot
note 1: No where did I assume we were talking about the actual relationship between you and your daughter.
I did not intimate that you were specifically referring to MY family, I simply used myself as the example to show how the law should work. You can substitute 'father' with 'parent' if you wish.
Originally Posted by Locobot
note 2: "Reactionary" refers only to an extreme conservative.
congratulations for adding a new sphere to the reference.