Well time to concur with the majority and say i love my real uns. and also to agree with BOR in perticular when i say that i have a thing for small and what some would call nonperfect breasts, hell untill my second to last love intrest large breasts just plain revolted me.
To be fair I have also never felt implanted breasts, and even if they passed the feel test i am 100% certain they would never feel right in a decent heavy groping or tittiy sucking session. Oh how i love breasts, and ass, and nevermind.....no really i was gonna say a cute face
But that is all talking about me, if a woman decides that she cant feel good about herself unless she goes through brutal surgery for aestetic purposes, then good for her im proud she can make herself feel better like that but its the fact that she needs that kind of self-image adjustment not only the looks and feel that makes fakies really suck.
Last edited by fatmanforprez; 09-27-2005 at 08:11 AM..
Reason: spelling