Now Bendsley you're just being pessimistic
Awesome feedback though - here's some answers:
To keep costs down we don't conform to proprietary form-factors like Dell's Blade servers, the unit is 2U because it made it incredibly more cost effective to keep it at a decent operation temperature, and we're a young company so we don't have much name recognition, but it is a killer product.
We've had quite a few customers that have used the Composers web content filtering to replace Websense, at a decent cost savings too I might add.
The website has been sadly neglected of late due to some of the major feature revisions that have been added to the Composer (things like incorporating SunBelt's spyware SDK into the unit) and I'm still working on generating traffic to the user forum to get a lot of the other questions answered.
As for rack mounting it, don't block the fans and you can stick it anywhere, hell prop it on it's side and let it go crazy
Last point

the NIC's in the Composer will allow for auto-negotiation of ports, including auto-sensing standard/crossover, we've just found that if you're not on a crossover to Cisco equipment it generates interface errors!
Eval units are also something that we really like to setup, we're proud of the Composer and the unit typically sells itself once admins get their hands on it and see for themselves what it can do, if you're at all interested it would probably be pretty easy to get you the info you'd need for the risk free trial.