First and foremost: Are you sure you don't have asthma? If you are getting winded in that short of time, you may have it. If not...
Basic Advice that everyona else has given, but I will repeat for emphasis:
1. Stretch!!! Lots. (Don't forget to stretch the arms as they tend to cramp up if you don't)
2. Drink oodles of water! Stop drinking and eating about two hours before you run so you don't get sick.
3. Get good running shoes (go to a shop that is specialized enough that they have treadmills to watch you run on. They can video tape the motion of your feet and detect any problems in your gait)
3. To avoid knee problems, walk down hill areas and stay away from pavement.
4. I agree with Sin- the first ten minutes are always the hardest. That's the time before your legs are warmed up and loose, so you're sore, rickety, and tired. You have to force yourself to run through this, it will get better as you go along.
Other Advice:
2. Do sit-ups and other stomach toning exercises to avoid side aches. You do use your stomach muscles while running and it is important to have them in shape as well.
4. To avoid blisters, wear socks made of synthetic fiber ONLY!
5. Sometimes it helps to have some one to pace you and keep you running, so find a local running group (breakfast clubs are the best, go out and run, then stuff yourself silly).
6. Don't put your hands in fists as you run. For one thing, making fists tenses the body. In cold weather, your hands will get stiff like this and in hot weather, they get dreadfully sweaty.