it is interesting, even here, to note the extent to which those few people who still stand behind george w. bush refuse to address information that they do not like about this administration. this is a good microcosm, one that shows a lingering problem for politics following from the type of committment that right ideology has fostered amongst its flock.
that bush's handlers have set about organizing photo-ops for bush that are about the illusion of unanimity for the camera is and has been obvious.
that the illusion of unanimity is a feature of conservative ideology is and has been obvious as well--consider how limbaugh for example never takes calls from anyone who really disagress with his positions--the loop this works to reinforce is--also--obvious: support in the audience, support at the level of feedback, yes yes "we" speak for all "americans"--this has not changed across the transition from opposition into power.
that this unanimity is fictive, has been fictive, will be fictive--also obvious: it is about giving individual conservatives the illusion that they are many, part of a movement (which of course is hostile to all social movements except itself--another defining feature)--following from this curious mixture (a social movement a defining feature of which is hostility to social movements other than itself--think trade unions), duplicating its logic even, you have the karlrove photo-op, its structure, its exclusions, its rationale.
i see the conservative above incapable of addressing problems that might be raised by the photo-op procedure (which does, like it or not, harken back to "triumph of the will")---the predictable round of subject-switches followed the initial post--well, the democrats did it--well, these protestors should be kept in cages look at their signs--all sorry demonstrations of the proposition that conservatives are not bothered by the supression of political speech so long as that suppression comes from the right--when they are out of power, after the next elections, you will see conservatives turn into primary victims of the suppression of speech--they will whine long and loud about how their bankrupt political propositions are being censored by the evil liberal press (for example)--and this which will be the way that the rank and file will come to process their defeat.
nothing wrong with the ideology--every distortion comes from outside agitators.
if you cage enough of them, nothing bad will ever happen to conservative ideology.
great logic.....glad none of you who posted above from the right have any power.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite
Last edited by roachboy; 09-27-2005 at 06:26 AM..