I gotta say I'm dissapointed in the map selection that it released with. All this time and there is hardly anything there. Not even hits like Caen, which was one of the most popular maps. I hope the DoD team plans on regularly releasing official maps over Steam (for a short while anyway) and not leaving the entire field to modders, because there are too many inconveniences associated with custom maps to rely on them all the time. Maybe this was already said and I missed it~ it's hard to say because the DoD webpage was so rarely updated and did such a terrible job delivering news and updated info to fans in any intelligable manner that I just gave up trying to learn anything about the game.
Other than the lack of maps, I played it some tonight and was left feeling, "Well okay then." It pretty much felt like the original DoD except with slightly better graphics and of course better ragdoll physics. Nothing really wowed me, and I think a lot of this stems from the fact that I had to wait the better part of a year to finally play it. So I ran the gamut from hyped for the game down to slowly decreasing excitement to "okay I'll just play it whenever they get around to releasing it". I'm not trying to say that I became bitter over the game taking so long and that now I'm "taking it out" on the game by not liking it. I'm just saying that my eagerness to play petered out, and I think I expected something a little more amazing since it took so long.
I'll play more later, and maybe I will notice more subtleties and nuances that really make dod:S stand apart from the original, and then I'll be less critical. But as for now I feel like all I got for the wait was little upgrades to graphics, sound and physics... and I don't even get to try it out on a variety of maps.
I'm probably missing something.