Hello all!
I have a question about WINDOWS XP PRO OEM. I currently have a Sony laptop, which came with XP PRO. However when I use the setup discs, it formats the HDD into two partitions, and adds a whole lot of other sh!t i don't really want.
I also have a 'not so legal'
copy of XP Pro Corporate edition. So I use that instead, because then I can setup the laptop how I want. But now with MS new Windows Update service, I can't use anymore updates because the version is 'not so legal'.
So I want to buy a copy of XP PRO, preferably with SP2 included. Can I just buy an OEM version (cheaper) and use the key that I have on the bottom of my laptop, or do I have to buy a whole full version, because that key on the bottom of my laptop will only work with the Sony Setup CD's?
Anybody got any advice?