Originally Posted by filtherton
Is that really how it is in the u.s. though? Try telling that to anyone who has ever been accosted by a representative of any number of christian organizations attempting to convert random heathens to the lord's good word, or anyone who doesn't want to learn about creationism and/or intelligent design in a science class, or anyone who wants to buy alcohol on a sunday.
If an independant orginazation approaches someone, it has nothing to do with the gov't whatsoever. And learning creationism in non-religious schools doesn't happen to my knowledge (ID is a different thing alltogether). And as for buying alchohol on a sunday, it goes back to this country being founded on a Puritain/Christian moral set. The majority of the people at one time or another decided that alchohol on Sunday was bad, so it was banned. The fact that the laws probably have a religious basis is irrelevant. That doesn't actively attempt to convert anyone, it just means people have to live up to a standard that they don't possibly agree with (same with many societies).