This is not hte one and only time it was done. If it was the only time, or was only int hat one place, i would maybe agree that it was the local enforcement going overboard. But that just is not the case. This has happened in may cities, to many MANY people. In NY they would not only shut you off in a "free speech zone" but they would arrest you if you say anything and literally bus you down to an old abandoned (and condemned from operation) building on the docks.
What's the problem, right? You can just take your case to court right? WRONG! They do not arrest you, they just hold you... for days. They don't arrest you because then they would have to try you. They hold you for the maximum time they are allowed to hold you.. then.. they hold you longer.. Multiple law suits were filed, but as far as i know nothnig has been done. Apparently it's ok to lock up people w/o charges or trial now.. I wonder how THAT snuck through....
We Must Dissent.