Originally Posted by alansmithee
By your view then, we are all "intolerant" of murders, pedophiles, rapists, and thieves, correct? Because apparently, finding certain behaviors or lifestyles wrong and/or sinful is being "intolerant".
They have chose to set their level for what behavior is and is not sinful at a different point than you. It's not about being intolerant of "intolerance", you're (and many others) are being intolerant of another's belief system, which has deemed homosexuality a sin. So I hope you don't mind when people outside your stream of thought recognize your intolerance and hypocracy, reveal it, and condemn it as such.
You're way off base with your analogy. Who do homosexuals harm? No one.
You can turn my words around if you like, but it doesn't invalidate my point. I am not intolerant of Christian thought on this. They are certainly free to think in whatever way they want. I am not advocating sending Christians to prison for thinking homosexuality is a sin. I'm not even advocating that they be excluded from certain groups, though, I would have a hard time agreeing to giving them federal tax dollars. I am simply saying, as free as Christians are to call homosexuality a sin, others are free to call this way of thinking intolerant. I think there are plenty of Christians who would readily agree with that assessment, and in fact, would find no shame in being intolerant of homosexuality.