Originally Posted by sprocket
Ugh. Hates gay people?? Where in the article did they say they were kicking her out because they hate gay people? They disapprove of the LIFESTYLE and the RELATIONSHIP, not of the fact that shes gay. Why is this point so hard to understand for people.
I am in no way a practicing christian and dont have much use for organized religion. But I was raised as one. The level of ignorance as to their beleifs and practices displayed by people here is downright rediculous, even while they spew out vitriolous criticism.
But yea, I can see why they would want to send their daughter to a private school. They are widely regarded as better than the alternative in most cases.
Sorry, if you're saying you unwilling to educate a child because of who the parents sleep with, there is hate there. Or strong dislike, at any rate, and vigorous, deep disapproval of the parents at the very least. So again, why put your kids through that, to have them taught by "educators" that their parents are wrong/bad/messed up?
And I was raised Catholic.