Originally Posted by Slavakion
How about if you moved to a country that printed on its money "There Is No God"? Or "In Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu We Trust"? How would that make you feel? It may be the dominating religion of the region, but doesn't that make you feel like your religion is being belittled?
Not at all. Honestly. It's their culture, I'm the foriegner, and it would be to my advantage for me to assimilate into their culture (and religion is most certianly part of culture), or at least be tolerant of it.
Although I consider myself a believer in basic Christian principles (like Jesus died for our sins and there is one all-powerful God), the fact that "In God We Trust" is still just a matter of history to me. It isn't at all applicable to today's America, nor was it designed to be. Hell, we have "E Pluribus Unum" on our money too. We don't speak Latin, so why put it on our money??? Tradition. Why should we do it any differently??? It all comes down to what I think the OP was really asking: does it really make that much difference to you. I honestly don't give a fuck, and I don't think most people do, it's just that we'd rather bitch about it than not. I'd much rather see the budget deficit fixed, or the Social Security/Welfare system revamped, but I guess most people would consider it a major victory to take a couple of non-functional words off of the money that we don't even have for long.