Originally Posted by Strange Famous
...I could go on, but I guess you get the idea? These commands are not open for debate. Certainly every person is free to believe of themselves and their God what they will... but it is not for the individual to say what a religion stands for. The God of the Christians is defined by the law as set out in the Bible.
...certainly it should not be allowed to take the title of a Christian school.
Fortunately, it is not for you to decree what makes someone a Christian. I am not going to argue each of those points because the mere idea that you can remove their right to follow their faith because you disagree about interpretation shows you to be massively mistaken, militant,
and dare I say mentally damaged. These people can practice their religion without seeking legitimacy from you.
You can Dare ......but I dont recommend direct insults to other members when you get back....in say...oh....three days