I really enjoyed this post. I don't read the paper or watch tv enough to have encountered this exchange first-hand but Gilda's comments were thought provoking. And Roger Ebert's comments made me laugh out loud.
Originally Posted by Gilda
Looking back at the original Goldstein article, even he doesn't really take personal shots at Shneider, rather he criticizes his work by calling him a third-rade comedian.
Maybe people consider insulting someone's internet research skills more horribly rude than insulting his appearance and sexuality? I think I would.
Originally Posted by Gilda
Why do people so often react to criticism of movies or tv shows as if they were personal attacks?
Maybe people read a lot of themselves into the entertainment they love. They see their perspective or dreams reflected in a movie. Or a joke makes them laugh out loud and that's the best thing that happens to them all week. The same could be said of a song that makes you smile. Or maybe criticism from someone outside their group of something associated with their group identity is raising people's hackles. "Us against them" seems more common among young people.