As far as I know most christian schools have these kinds of rules in place. As the article noted, there are other lifestyle choices they dont allow as well. Unwed cohabitation for example. I dont think this is really about christians being bigoted towards homosexuals, they are just disapproving of the family situation. Unwed couples living together, homesexual RELATIONSHIPS, parents who are pornstars, etc dont quite mesh with the family values they try to instill in the kids. Id wager to say this wouldnt have been an issue if the mother wasnt in a relationship. The old saying "Dont hate the sinner, hate the sin" comes to mind.
Id even wager to say they probably hated to have to send this little girl away and struggled with the decision, but in the end came to the conclusion that it would be best for the rest of the children in the school.
Usually, the parents dont lie (or dont get caught), and the students in these kinds of situations get denied entry into school in the first place. We'll probably start hearing about more of these kinds of cases since its trendy to hate on christians these days (especially without trying to understand why they do what they do, and automatically chanting "BIGOT! BIGOT!").
Remember, wherever you go... there you are.
Last edited by sprocket; 09-24-2005 at 08:22 PM..