in a word, no.
i am pro-choice. and i do understand how some people might change their views based on those sorts of arguments. but personally, those are arguments i considered before declaring myself pro-choice.
i view comments like "the baby would be *whatever milestone* now" the same as i view any other thoughts about what might have been. i'm divorced, but i still sometimes think "wow, we'd have been together x years now." it doesn't mean divorce was the wrong decision, just that i know what would have happened (regarding that particular milestone) if i hadn't divorced. my sister mentioned this past spring that if she hadn't dropped out of school, she'd be graduating now.
i think most of us can look back at any decision that impacts our life and think of how our lives would be different if we'd made a different choice. if you are unhappy, it's easy to think that a different choice then would have resulted in future happiness. if you are happy, you might consider a different choice would have resulted in happiness or that it would have brought unhappiness and say you made the right decision.
i know women who've had abortions and i also know women who considered it and kept their children or put them up for adoption. women who have abortions aren't the only ones who wonder if they made the right choice regarding that decision.
i'm a cautious person and a firm believer in no regrets. any decision that might have long-term impact on my life, i consider very carefully and think about how i'll feel about my choice in 5, 10, 20, 50 years. sometimes that means i make choices that aren't really the "best" for me at the time, but they are the choices i know i can live with. to me, that's important. this is also a large chunk of why i am pro-choice. we each live with the choices we make in life. it isn't up to me to decide what is right or wrong for someone else because i'm not the one who has to live with the results of those decisions.