Originally Posted by recogt
Core belief 1. No cause is worth dying for.
Core belief 2, No cause is worth killing for.
Core belief 3, I forced to choose, we will probably choose core belief 2.
The system is rational, individualy hedonistic in that it emphasises the survival of the individual in order to ensure the survival of the group (Race, Species etc).
To me, these two are somewhat contradictory in that, sometimes, one must be done to ensure survival of the group( how many more would have died during the Holocaust had it not been been for the allies? And, perhaps, had the victims of it fought as warriors, perhaps the devastation would not have been as great)
Originally Posted by recogt
recogt eschews all racial, religious, national, political or any other division of people and holds that all people are beyond evaluation as good, bad or anything in between.
What recogt evaluates is belief ( adaptive or mal-adaptive) and the consequences of these beliefs.
Thus we do not judge the believer as good or bad but rather what is believed.
Good (rational) beliefs have positive outcomes for people. Bad (irrational) beliefs have negative outcomes.
This is a small and tentative step for recogt.
I wellcome your thoughts.
No one is born bad. The assumption is that we are born inherently good, but environs and others' belief systems become ingrained. Or that a lack of any guidance at all one way or another more often than not results in bad, harmful decisions. In those instances, is it a belief system or really poor judgement? Lifetime criminals who kill, rob, etc...are they just believing in bad things? Our society is set up to punish the doer of the bad deeds and work on the presumption that that is a bad person. Many who commit heinous crimes against others 'believe' they did it for some irrational good. This is in keeping with the good beliefs/bad beliefs, but who makes this judgement? While you want 'no judgement' of the person, you can't seperate the deed from him/her. Thus, punishment or reward is a judgement made at them, not at what is believed.
The theory seems to be on the presumption that we are all with rational thought and decision making, led by our beliefs. While for the majority of us in day to day lives, this holds true, not all are rational, not all are given choices and not all are capable of knowing what is a good belief or a bad one. The words good and bad, in themselves are judgemental.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.
Last edited by ngdawg; 09-24-2005 at 11:53 AM..